Frequently Asked Questions
It seems to be very difficult to start a business and the law can be intimidating.
Being in charge of finances and the legal system can be a daunting task. You don’t have to be born into a business dynasty to be an entrepreneur. It’s something you learn, and no one is born knowing everything.
I know nothing about entrepreneurship and don’t know where to start.
No one knows everything from the beginning, so it’s important to be open to different ideas and to seek out the help of others. The excitement of entrepreneurship is also something that many people enjoy.
I'm afraid of what people will think of my idea and if I fail everyone will know.
For every idea you dare to test, your courage and insights into what works and what doesn’t grow. “failing” is nothing more than a perfect opportunity to learn something. Plus, your feeling grows that it’s not that dangerous to fail.
I'm afraid someone will copy my idea before I have time to apply for a patent!
Coming up with an idea is not something that is done in the blink of an eye, but it takes hard work and humility before it changes much once you know more about your target audience. In the beginning, it is often much more important to communicate with people in your target group in order to find out more about them, which works even better if you do not talk about your idea and instead ask open-ended questions in the context of your idea.
I don’t have an education in economics, can I start a business anyway?
By being open-minded, you’ll gain a better understanding of how your business is feeling over the long term, enabling you to spot trends and perform analysis.
It feels like it’s a big risk financially to start a business
Some things that can minimize risk are a clear business plan, market research, budget, and clear customer analysis! Again, the business support system can help.
My idea requires programming, but I don't know any programmers.
There are many examples of people who are completely ignorant of programming and who, when they have found something they really want to test, have been able to learn what it takes to create a first version on their own. So there may be opportunities to connect with programming students at different levels who want to work with real cases, such as your business idea.
I had a good idea, but when I googled it I noticed it already existed ... So I lost motivation.
to make your idea a little more exclusive and luxurious than what’s available today. Only creativity here sets limits!
Do you wish to cultivate an entrepreneurial spirit? By working with us, you'll make sure that your idea has a chance. All counseling is done in private. Start the process of putting your concept into action.
Set objectives for your company
Set objectives for your company. Are you one of those persons who enjoys setting goals but has a history of failing to meet them? Then you might overlook the fact that your goals should be SMART,
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You will receive a tool in this course to assist you in creating goals that are accepted by the group and that are both precise, quantifiable, realistic, and timely.